Box Fun

Today we went along to the first Big Play Box session in South Hobart. It’s a creative space for kids and caregivers to use donated, recycled materials to create. Imaginations were running wild with vehicles of all descriptions, flower beds in sand filled suitcases, submarines, spy stations, hammering nails, painting and chalk art… Endless fun!

Our boys were captivated and are now at home doing more of the same.

My heart was glad to see a crowd of kids and parents all having as much fun as one another, truly on a level playing field. Mum and Dad on hands and knees eagerly involved in their child’s project, following their child’s lead. A place where children are the masterminds, the inventors, engineers and foreman! Community concepts like this create a space that brings families together whilst reminding us that some of the greatest gifts we can ever give our children are our attention and enthusiasm for their imaginary worlds.

Play on!!

The icing on the cake, the gold coin donation each person is asked to give at registration is given to building a future for War Brides of Northern Uganda!






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